Reader Interactions


  1. Orion says

    Yummy and thank you-you have given here some really good and tasty recipes and ideas.
    Will mark these down for future reference.
    I know how important fiber is important to our digestive system, and having it delivered in a tasty way makes is so much easier to keep up its intake.
    Thank you for sharing this with us.
    Wishing you $ucce$$ – Orion

    • admin says

      Your welcome and thank you for always commenting on my posts I really appreciate it.

  2. Lawrence says

    Yum – that’s all I can say.
    Yum, yum, yum …
    Bookmarked and looking forward to a healthy breakfast tomorrow.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Tara says

    Looks delicious! What great suggestions to add fiber to breakfast in edible ways 🙂 I too did not like coconut, I still don’t like the stringy-strands, but I love coconut oil, milk and other products for cooking since I started incorporating it in a few diets I’ve tried recently. Thanks for sharing!